FAQ's on Tax

Computing Taxes

New Hampshire’s tax year runs from April 1 through March 31. Property taxes in the Town of Lee are billed biannually and are generally due in July and December. To calculate the annual tax bill multiply the assessed value by the total tax rate and divide the result by 1,000. The result is the tax bill for the year. For example, the Town of Lee’s total tax rate for the year 2023 is $23.63 per $1,000 in value. For a house assessed at $250,000, multiply the value by $23.63 and divide by 1,000 to get the annual tax bill $5,907.50. 

Tax Credits, Exemptions and Abatements

New Hampshire state law provides tax credits for some residents. Individuals may qualify for a veteran’s tax credit under RSA 72:28, an elderly exemption under RSA 72:39-a or an elderly or disabled tax deferral under RSA 72:38-a. Please contact the Town Assessor to obtain applications and/or to make an appointment to determine your eligibility.

Selectmen or assessors, for good cause shown, may abate any tax assessed by them or their predecessors. If you believe you qualify for an abatement, you must speak with the Town Assessor.

Campsite Taxes

The Town of Lee taxes individuals (residents and nonresidents) who own campers and structures at our seasonal campgrounds. The campground owner is taxed for the land and any structure they own or maintain on the campground. Individual campers are taxed on any structures they own or maintain in the campground, per RSA 72:7. For more information please contact the Town Assessor.

Town Assessor

For contact information and business hours please click here.