Activity Log 12/7/22 to 12/20/22

Hope your holidays were amazing and the New Year starts great. Again we apologize for making you wait. Now that we're coming out of the holiday fog, we bring you the joy that is the Lee Log.
Lee Police Activity Log for 12/7/22 to 12/20/22:
- Kaleb Mellett of Lee, NH
    ~ Criminal Threatening with a Dangerous Weapon
    ~ Resisting Arrest
    ~ Breach of Bail
- Heidi Kotlus of Lee, NH
    ~ DUI
- Crystal Hansen of Nottingham
    ~ Theft (X2 counts)
    ~ Deal/Poss. Prescription Drugs
- Kris Walker of Ossipee, NH
    ~ Arrest on a Warrant
- 2 Hand summons for possession of less than ¾ marijuana.
Calls for Service:
- Performed 108 directed patrols and business checks.
- Performed 22 motor vehicle stops, including 11 for speed.
- Road Hazard: Someone must have been “board” with the typical insanity at the circle and decided to mix things up with a 2X4. Might be easier to walk the plank than pull one from the rotary, but we did, and a 2X4 will be added to the list of oddities removed from the round-a-bout.
- Responded with Lee Fire for 2 fire alarm activations.
- Conducted follow up on 6 cases.
- 911 call from a driver who’s miffed, about a cars bumper they nearly ‘kissed’. Claims other drivers maneuvers were very confusing, we listened with interest as they continued their musing. The initial encounter left them so mad, they followed the driver home to their ‘pad’. A close encounter of a second kind came, with shouting, and yelling and casting of blame. We spoke with both drivers about the situation; peace and order restored, no more frustration.
- Removed 2 road hazards.
- Responded with Lee Fire for a school fire drill.
- Person sleeping in car, couldn’t be waken. Doors were all locked so they couldn’t be shaken. Known to PD so we left them there sleeping, checked on and off, as our watch we were keeping.
- Took 3 theft reports.
- Notified of a 988 crisis line call.
- Employee reporting a fight in the McDonald’s parking lot. A troubled twosome were audibly arguing aggressively apparently about an auto. Video verified voracity of squabble but suspects scrammed from the scene supplying scant details to delve deeper. 
- Assisted citizens on 12 occasions.
- Investigated 10 suspicious vehicles.
- 911 call reporting a car being broken into… unfounded. Then a call for 2 men breaking into a neighbor’s house… unfounded. Now its peering people perched in trees… unfounded. We were astounded but because we are grounded we quickly rebounded and got the caller some help before the issue compounded.
- Entered a warrant into NCIC.
- Responded to 3 suspicious activity calls.
- 911 call from a troubled trucker that had a tussle with a rude road-ragey riff raff resulting in a rear-end hit and run. Unfortunately unable to unite with unidentified unit.
- Responded with the Lee Fire and McGregor Ambulance, to 12 medical aid calls.
- Responded to 17 motor vehicle accidents.
- Caller concerned a car constantly camped out at a business come closing could have criminal considerations. Made contact with management, vehicle verified, escort home for employee.
- Responded to 8 reports of vehicles off the road.
- Addressed 2 parking complaints (vehicles not moved for plowing).
- Person asking permission to park at PD to passively avoid a pesky problem. Politely passed, please park in a proper place.
- Provided police escort.
- Responded to 7 alarm activations.
- Call of a customer being irate and loud. Turns out it was a shoplifter drawing the crowd.
- Served paperwork to 5 residents.
- A sad kind of call when a cat winds up dead. We responded and found someone gave it a bed. It was tucked in a box with a blanket and care. We contacted resources so they knew it was there.
- Handled 2 calls about loose dogs.
- Addressed truancy issues on several occasions.
- Another rumpus in the rotary resulting in repairs from a hit and run.
- Assisted DCYF with 4 referrals.
- Investigated 8 abandoned motor vehicles.
- Homeowner unnerved by a van that stopped by, to pick up a treadmill with a big burly guy. Good chance it was simply a wrong address, but we’ll be keeping an eye out to relieve their distress.
- Conducted 9 residence checks.
- Assisted with 2 motor vehicle lockouts.
- Passerby reporting a struck hawk. Responded and found the hawk. While attempting to contact the local wild bird rehab the hawk took off into the woods. Guess it didn’t want to go… or maybe we have bird healing powers… last log it was an owl that simply flew away, now this… hmmm.
- Assisted other agencies on 10 occasions.
- Assisted Lee Fire with an odor investigation of CO2.
- 911 call for a car pulled over with 3 people yelling, arms flailing around. The drama unfolding was a social media disagreement, and heated words did abound. All the stories matched up and happy to say, a peaceful resolution was found.
- Responded to 9 motor vehicle complaints.
- Conducted 5 welfare checks.
- Received information that a perp on probation, cut off their ankle monitor perhaps attempting vacation. To the house our troops headed, ready and willing; to apprehend the suspect, no matter how chilling. We knocked on the door and the seconds they flew, hearing scuttling and scurrying we knew what to do. A signal 1000 was called for our safety, suspect was caught and it ended quite hasty.