Fire Prevention / Safety

Public Education Offered:

  • Fire Station Tours
  • General Fire Safety Classes
  • Fire Extinguisher Use Classes
  • Home Safety Inspections
  • Business Safety Inspections
  • Limited Visual Chimney Inspections
  • Wood Stove Inspections
  • Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detector Placement
  • Fire Drills; School, Daycares, Businesses

Permits and Plans:

  • Assembly Permits
  • Oil Burning Appliance (Furnace) Permits
  • Cistern Plans, Review, and Installation Inspections
  • Sprinkler Plans and Review
  • Fire Alarm System Plans and Review

Additional Fire Prevention/Safety Pages




The Impact of Smoke Alarms
In the 1960's, the average U. S. citizen had never heard of a smoke alarm. By 1995, an estimated 93 percent of all American homes - single - and multi- family, apartments, nursing homes, dormitories, etc. - were equipped with alarms. By the mid 1980's, smoke alarm laws, requiring that alarms be placed in all new and existing residences - existed in 38 states and thousands of municipalities nationwide. And smoke alarm provisions have been adopted by all of the model building code organizations.

Fire services across the country have played a major and influential public education role in alerting the public to the benefits of smoke alarms. Another key factor in this huge and rapid penetration of both the marketplace and the builder community has been the development and marketing of low cost alarms by commercial companies. In the early 1970's, the cost of protecting a three bedroom home with professionally installed alarms was approximately $l000; today the cost of owner-installed alarms in the same house has come down to as little as $10 per alarm, or less than $50 for the entire home. This cost structure, combined with effective public education (including key private-public partnerships), has caused a huge percentage of America's consumers, whether they are renting or buying, to demand smoke alarm protection. 

The impact of smoke alarms on fire safety and protection is dramatic and can be simply stated. When fire breaks out, the smoke alarm, functioning as an early warning system, reduces the risk of dying by nearly 50 percent. Alarms are most people's first line of defense against fire. 

In the event of a fire, properly installed and maintained smoke alarms will provide an early warning signal to your household. This alarm could save your own life and those of your loved ones by providing the chance to escape.


Exposing an Invisible Killer: The Dangers of Carbon Monoxide:
Each year in America, unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning claims more than 500 lives and sends another 15,000 people to hospital emergency rooms for treatment.

The United States Fire Administration (USFA) and the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) would like you to know that there are simple steps you can take to protect yourself from deadly carbon monoxide fumes.


More than 4,000 Americans die each year in fires, and approximately 20,000 are injured. Deaths resulting from failed emergency escapes are particularly avoidable.


The United States Fire Administration (USFA) believes that having a sound escape plan will greatly reduce fire deaths and protect you and your family's safety if a fire occurs.


The Lee Fire & Rescue Department brings you this page to assist you with any questions you might have. Below are multiple links on frequently asked questions, heating with wood, safety concerns, installation of wood stoves, chimney safety, ash management, and a slide show made by the New Hampshire Division of Fire Safety on heating fire safety issues.